Exercises for hips and belly: modeling the Silhouette

Dreaming of a toned figure? In this article are a few effective exercises for losing weight on the sides and belly at home.

Flat belly and the lack of pages is the dream of many girls, but this Zone is suitable for the correction with the help of regular exercise. Exercises to remove belly and flanks help get rid of the excess, but it is important strictly to the System a workout and a healthy diet to achieve visible results.

Flat stomach and no side

The basic principles of the exercises to remove belly and flanks

  • The intensity of the workout depends on the individual settings of the figure and the health.
  • For those with a lot of extra weight in the hips and abdomen, the training should be with more Cardio, and burn fat.
  • Available types of Cardio for Home workouts: walking, running, swimming, jumping rope.
  • Only a combination of endurance and strength training ensures the greatest result to achieve: Cardio burns fat and Toning exercises to pump the muscles and the Silhouette model.
  • In order to achieve the maximum effect of training 3-4 times per week.
  • Each week, the load force of training and duration of heart with a Band increases.
  • The result of this training depends on your hard work during Training and the initial volume.
  • To lose weight in a certain place is not possible attracted to: during the training, all the Slims the body and many muscle groups.
  • The most effective exercises for the sides of the packaging, twist, rotation of the housing and inclines. You need to the exercises with great frequency, but without additional burdens to burn fat, and not only under him, to recognise muscles, causing the excess amount. It is very important not to miss a workout with pan and tilt, since it warms and prepares the body to exercise for the sides.

Rules, exercises to remove belly and flanks at home

  • The best time for effective training in the morning. Before Breakfast or 2-3 hours after his body is in very good condition for the burning of fat.
  • To do lose weight in belly and flanks, without straining, by only the weight of your own body, otherwise muscle risk under a layer of fat, which adds to the visually superfluous volume.
  • Start and finish the workout with endurance training, the replaced you Training.
  • Exactly the technique of execution followed with alternating Amplitude.

Warm-up before exercise for hips and belly

Curves on the sides of the housing

1. Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent.
2. Strict abdominal muscles, spread your shoulders, keep the hands in front at chest height.
3. Make slow turns to the right with the return to the starting position, then to the left.
4. Between the curves in different directions — stop in the middle.
5. After 10-15 revolutions in each direction.

Tilts to the side

1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Raise the hands up and tilt the housing to the right.
3. Tilting only the upper part of the body, pay attention to the fact that the legs were straight.
4. Variations in the slopes of the housing at the sides, alternately.
5. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each side in 2-3 sentences.

Tilts forward

1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Start lowering the housing to the bottom of the touch surfaces of the hand to the floor.
3. Not the feet to the inside and gently return to the starting position, in order not to damage the back.
4. Repeat the exercise 20 times 2 approaches.

Effective exercises for the sides of the home

Effective exercises for the sides of the home Hoop

Hula-Hoop or hula-Hoop

Twist wrap available species Home Cardio, the duration of which not only burned calories, but it is the muscles of the abdomen and of the back. Hoop is indispensable, especially for women, as it helps make to highlight a slender Silhouette and the waist. This is one of the most effective exercises for weight loss side home. Rotation of the bracket will help get rid of excess body fat in the waist, if you systematically and not less than 10 minutes per day.

1. Stand straight, feet.
2. Hands connect to the castle on the back of the head.
3. Turn the tyre with a small Amplitude from side-to-side 88 times in each direction.
4. Try the breath feeding, on the inhale the belly.
5. The first week of training Tu 88 rotational movements in any direction in 2 approach, with each week, the number of approaches increased to 2.

Mobile Strap

1. Like the classic strap, with a focus on the toes and elbows, the body must be straight, without curvature.
2. Keep joints the elbow just below the shoulder.
3. Lifting the pelvis to the top of the hill body, the feet are not towards the inside of the knees.
4. Here at the top of the point on for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.
5. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Twisting sit

1. Sit on the floor, the legs bent in the knees, the feet stop on the ground.
2. The case bring back to 45 degrees.
3. The back rounded, the coccyx retracted.
4. Strict press, and the elbows bent.
5. Turn the housing and the elbow back and forth.
6. Repeat the exercise 30 times in 3 rounds.

Twisting lying

1. Lie down on the floor, bring the hands to the sides, palms pressing on the ground.
2. Shoulders do not tear off the floor and raise your legs vertically upward, and go into the knee in a 90 degree angle.
3. Between the knees keep a little distance.
4. Bent legs lower towards the floor, but not to him, taz's grip on the weight and the shoulders do not break the surface.
5. Bring the feet back to the starting position.
6. Repeat all the same on the other side.

Side-To-Side Bridge

1. Lie down on the floor, the body is upright, and the elongated legs are on top of each other.
2. You put the lower arm at the elbow and support you.
3. The result is the deflection of the housing in the lateral plane.
4. Lift the pelvis from the floor, stretching the casing before the formation of the straight line.
5. Distribute the weight between the Hand and foot massage contact surface of the foot.
6. Raise your head and look forward.
7. Try to hold in this Position for at least 30 seconds. With each week of Training, this time is increased by a further 30 seconds.


1. Sit on the floor, simultaneously raise legs and arms off the floor, tried to bend in half.
2. You were in this Position for as long as possible.
3. Do not strain the neck, keep the limbs evenly.
4. Repeat 10 times, trying for as long as possible in limbo.

Flexion Of The Housing

1. Lie down on the floor, the legs bent in the knees I can clasp the hands behind the head.
2. Tear off the housing from the bottom and stretch with the elbow to the opposite leg.
3. Wait to touch you in a point, and go back to the starting position.
4. Close Screen alternately.
5. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each side, in 2 passes